About Us
VVOB is committed to quality education in South Africa. In close partnership with the Department of Basic Education (DBE), the South African Council of Educators (SACE) and other partners, we support educators and school leaders to create environments where all learners can develop their full potential. Together, we ensure opportunities for learners to become happy and resourceful citizens, so they can thrive in the 21st century alongside their communities.
VVOB’s work in South Africa is focused on strengthening teacher development and effective school leadership in early childhood, primary and secondary education. Amongst many other initiatives, we support the DBE and SACE with the development of online courses and other resources, all of which you find on this site. The current categories of courses are:
- Professional learning communities
- Promoting gender equality in early childhood development
- New teacher induction
- Teachers’ safety in schools
All the courses are free and are endorsed by SACE.
For more information on VVOB’s work in South Africa, you can visit our website: https://southafrica.vvob.org/
VVOB – education for development is an international non-profit organisation with 40 years of experience in quality education. Through capacity development, VVOB provides support to ministries of education in Africa, Asia and South America to improve (initial) professional development of teachers and school leaders in early childhood, primary, general secondary and vocational education.