Video: Teachers’ Voices on Facilitating Learning through Play

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- Create Date April 2, 2024
- Last Updated July 22, 2024
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Grade RR and R practitioners and teachers share their thoughts on facilitating learning through play.
Do you want to learn more? This video is part of the Funda Udlale Nathi: Learning through Play course for Grade RR and R practitioners and teachers.
Yes it very important to learn through playing because learners learn easier more special when the teacher do together with them,they never forget what they sing more special when they do actions
It is very useful to play with children’s or learners because very easy to dentify learners that have the problems
Learners grasp early when they learn through play ,and they enjoy a lot.
Learning through playing is very important to children
To reduce anger or fighting each other and they learn many things
Young learners learn easy through play activities and they all get involved
I have enjoyed the course so much, and l would like other leaders to have it, in order to do the best for our leaners
I have gained a lot, and l wish other school leaders can receive such ,for the benefit of our learners.
What an experience, I gained a lot of knowledge through this course I enjoyed it a lot, learning through play is definitely the best strategy to use for our learners to learn something new everyday and make learning enjoyable to the young ones… Thank you Funda Udlale Nathi.