Inclusive Education South Africa

Inclusive Education South Africa (IESA) has been working hard to develop resources that can be spread far and wide to build capacity, share knowledge and…

DBE Grade R Workbooks

You can access the latest grade R Rainbow Workbooks of the Department of Basic Education here. Each workbook is made up of 128 easy-to-follow worksheets…

Learning through Play with Six Bricks

Four courses (grade R to 3) introduce innovative Learning through Play teaching approaches that can easily be implemented in the classroom. Six Bricks is a…

NECT: Home Language resources

On this page of the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), you will find lesson plans, trackers, worksheets, resource packs, big books etc. for the teaching…

Zenex Foundation: The Expert Reading Teacher

These materials were designed to teach Foundation Phase teachers how to teach reading.  They are developed by academics in collaboration with teachers. This collaboration resulted…

Ukuhlola ulwazi lwemisindo

learn about ways to solve problems with understanding sounds and knowledge of sounds and testing knowledge of sounds.